Signs Of Elder Abuse In Colorado Springs

in Colorado Springs, Elderly adults can fall prey to physical, psychological, or financial abuse.  The perpetrator could be an overworked aide in a nursing home, an overwhelmed family member, or an unscrupulous con artist. Elder abuse in Colorado Springs is more common than most people think and it is important you understand the warning signs and how to deal with them.

Here are the warning signs of elder abuse.  If you notice any of these signs in your older relative or friend, you should be concerned.  You may want to investigate further, notify Adult Protective Services, and seek advice from an attorney experienced with elder abuse cases.

Physical abuse

  • Unexplained bruises or other marks 
  • Welts on appendages
  • Cuts, burns, sprains, or fractures in various stages of healing 
  • Frequent drowsiness or confusion possibly indicating over medication 


  • Unexplained falls. 
  • Skin problems (usually bedsores). 
  • Frozen joints 

Sexual abuse

  • Torn, stained, or bloody underclothing 
  • Bruised breasts
  • Vaginal infection
  • Vaginal or anal bleeding
  • Unexplained venereal disease or genital infections

Psychological abuse

  • Sudden uncharacteristic behavior or silence and withdrawal
  • Unreasonable suspicions
  • Unwillingness to venture out of room despite a willingness to do so in the past
  • Psychiatric problems necessitating treatment by a psychiatrist or a psychologist

Financial abuse

  • Sudden and/or significant withdrawals from bank accounts
  • Changes in banking practices (someone else signing the elderly person’s checks when this has not occurred in the past)
  • Possessions go missing 
  • Abrupt changes in will or other financial documents

Types of Elder Abuse in Colorado Springs

The first step in stopping elder abuse in Colorado Springs  is recognizing that it is occurring.  Elder abuse takes a number of different forms. Elder abuse is often a crime, and also a tort for which the elderly victim may be entitled to compensation.

Here are the five most common types of elder abuse.

Physical Abuse. Physical pain or injury that is willfully inflicted on an elder by a person who has care or custody of the elder, or who stands in a position of trust with that elder. Physical abuse  includes, but is not limited to, beatings, sexual assault, unreasonable physical restraint, and prolonged deprivation of food or water. 

Financial Abuse. Theft or misuse of an elder’s money or property by a person in a position of trust with an elder.

Neglect. Failure of a person or business having the care or custody of an elder to provide the degree of care that a reasonable person in a like position would provide. This includes, but is not limited to failure to:

  • Assistance with personal hygiene or the provision of clothing. 
  • Medical care for physical and mental health needs.
  • Protection from health and safety hazards.

Psychological/Emotional Abuse. The willful infliction of mental suffering by a person in a position of trust with an elder. Examples: verbal assaults, threats, instilling fear, humiliation, intimidation, or isolation of an elder. 

Abandonment. The desertion or willful forsaking of an elder by any person having the care and custody of that elder, under circumstances in which a reasonable person would continue to provide care of custody.